Senin, 23 November 2015

Wonderful Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest country in the world consists of 13.466 islands, with the total population about 237 million souls. Indonesia consists of various tribes nation, language and religion but remain united with the motto “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”, it means although different but still one. The capital of this country is Jakarta that formerly known as Jayakarta or Sunda Kelapa. Indonesia has 746 traditional language, but official languages are always in use is Bahasa Indonesia. And the currency is Rupiah. 1 USD it means 14.000 rupias. The symbol of this country is Garuda Pancasila and proclaimed on 17 August 1945.

East Kalimantan Province is a province in Indonesia. It’s territory comprises the eastern portion of Borneo. It has population about 3 million and it’s the second least densely populated in Kalimantan. The total area is about 245,238 km2 and the capital is Samarinda. More than 80% or over 17 million hectares is covered by forest. This is where the black orchid and many other orchid grow within the sheltered confines of the nature reserves. East Kalimantan consist of 10 regencies and 4 cities. But now 3 districts and 1 city is separated into its own province of the North Kalimantan Province. North Kalimantan Province formally legimated on October 25th 2012, but stand fully beginning in 2015.
East Kalimantan Province, consist of : 

1.       Balikpapan City
2.       Samarinda City
3.       Bontang City
4.       Paser Regency
5.       North Penajam Paser Regency
6.       West Kutai Regency
7.       Kutai Kertanegara Regency
8.       East Kutai Regency
9.       Berau regency
And the North Kalimantan Province are :
1. Bulungan Regency
2. Malinau Regency
3. Nunukan Regency
4. Tarakan City
Balikpapan City is the one city in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The total area is about 503,3 Km2 and the total population is about 684,334 souls. Balikpapan city is the gateway to other city in east Kalimantan province, such as Samarinda, Bontang, Tenggarong, Tarakan, Penajam, Berauand also connection to South Kalimantan by land. From Balikpapan, we can also go to Singapore, Brunai Darussalam, Kuala Lumpur and others. Balikpapan is bordered by the following:
1.       Kutai Kertanegara Regency, to the north
2.       Makassar Strait, to the south and east
3.    North Penajam Paser Regency to the west

Balikpapan is devided into 5 districts, namely:
1.       East Balikpapan District
2.       North Balikpapan District
3.       West Balikpapan District
4.       South Balikpapan District
5.       Cetral Balikpapan District
The logo of the city is often nicknamed “the city of oil”. The city’s economy relies on industrial sectors dominated by oil and gas industry, commerce and services. Some multinational corporations conduct business activites in East Kalimantan Province, ssuch as, Total S.A, Chevron Taxaco, Sclumberger, Bakerhuges, Halliburton and Thiess Indonesia Contractors us Balikpapan for their base of operations in the region.

Balikpapan Has the biggest oil industrial, its Oil Refinery Balikpapan. This object is not open for public. Oil Refinery Balikpapan is located in the edge of Balikpapan bay. Covering an area of 2,5 km2 and consist of unit 1 and unit refinery Balikpapan Balikpapan Refinery II. An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is refined into more useful petroleum products. Such us, gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, asphalt base, dissel fuel, and liquevied petroleum gas. It’s all started when J.H Menten and Mr. Adam from Firman Samuel and COconducting research and ultimately finding oil content quite large, it’s name is Mathilda. Drilling first performed on 10 February 1897 which is also designated as the birth of this city. Currently the production of oil refinery Balikpapan reach 86 million barrels per years. 

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