Senin, 18 Januari 2016

Jabar Overland ArtVenture and Colorfull

It’s start from 12 january until 15 January. First at 03:00 AM we gather at campus, every member to call the roll and get baggage tag as proof of ownership. At 04:00 AM, we were depart through Tol Cipularang. The first object that we visit is Museum Asia Afrika, The first conference start from 18 April 1955 until 24 April 1955 exactly at 09:00 AM. The conference consist of 29 countries, divided into 23 countries
 from Asia and 6 countries from Africa that lead by Ruslan Abdulgani as general secretary. Here we can also watch the short film of Asia Africa Conference. This museum consist of 2 building, such us Merdeka Building and Asia Africa Museum Building that can’t rechange or reupdate because it’s the number one historical building. If any something happened with this building, the government must rebuild the same building like before located in Jl. Asia Afrika No. 65, Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia. This museum depict the historical of Asian African Conference to discuss the problem of independence country. The museum inaugurated by the second president, Mr. Soeharto on 24 April 1980 to reminder the 25th of Asian African conference.

At 10:00 AM, we were continue our tour to the next destination, it’s Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) located in the area of Jl. Tamansari No 73 West Java Province, Indonesia. Sabuga is the largest convention center in Bandung, consist of 4 floors. In the first floor usually used for kind of event (usually used for ITB’s Graduation), the second and third floor used for meeting or conference and the fourth floor used for dome theatre and science gallery. The capacity of parking area is 700 vehicles. 

At 01:00 PM we were arrived in the Nuarte Sculpture Park, location in Jl. Setraduta Raya No. L6, Bandung. Nuarte sculpture Park was first ope to public in 2000. Built entirely from Bali born sculpture Nyoman Nuarta’s private founding the park is now one of the largest sculpture park in Indonesia. Showcasing more than 200 artworks from Nyoman Nuarta
(ranging from the beginning of his career until his latest artworks). The sculpture park is also an ideal destination for visitors to delve deep into art and cultural experiences with regular performances from both traditional and contemporary artist.  Along with education in art, nature, culture, literature, and many more. The popular art that he creat is Garuda wisnu Kencana (GWK) in Bali. The height of this statue is 70 m and a width of 60 m, consist of copper and steel weighing of 4 million tons. It is devoted to the Hindu God, Wisnu and his maint, Garuda, the mythical bird who become his companion. When it’s completed, it  will be higher than Liberty statue in USA and become the largest statue in the world.

At 03:20 PM we were arrived in the next Destination, Saung Angklung Udjo. The location of this place in the area of Jl. Padasuka No. 18 Cibeunying Kidul, Bandung. When we walked into this place, we were given a necklace shaped angklung and welcome drink.
Saung Angklung Udjo
We can choose one of mineral water or ice cream as welcome drink. Saung Angklung Udjo is one stop cultural workshop, consist of performance venue, Bamboo handcraft center and Bamboo instrument workshop. Saung Angklung Udjo was built in 1966 by Udjo Ngelagena. Art show open daily at 15:30 until 17:30. Here we can see Wayang Golek Demonstartion, Helaran, Mask Dance, And Angklung Instrument. You can also learn how to play angklung and for you who want to buy some souvenir, this place also sell interesting souvenir, such us wayang, Angklung, keychain, congklak (traditional games), necklace, and many more.

After pray maghrib, we were decided to overnight in Malabar Villa. At 10:00 PM we arrived at Bosscha House that located in the near of our villa.the road that we through is winding and foggy, so the vehicle speed is reduced. The average temperature here is 16-26o C, so don’t forget to bring thick
jacket if you want to visit this place.  When we arrived at Bosscha house, we served Bandrek (drink made from red ginger and milk), corn, beans, and potatoes. This dish can make your body gets warm. After that, we can rest in each home. 1 house consist of 5 people. The facilities in this villa is complete enough, such as Tv, sofa, kitchen, shower, dresser, bathtub and many more. This villa is relics from Mr. Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha.
He is a Dutchman who care about the welfare of indigenous peoples at the time the Dutch East Indies and also an observer of science education aspecially astronomy. He also built Malabar tea plantation, observatorium and Technische Hoogeschool Te Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology). we can also see a view of the entire Malabar Tea Plantation from this villa.

In the second day, we were visit Malabar Tea Factory in Pangalengan. The distance from Bandung to this factory is approximately 40 km with the heights of 1.550
above the sea level. Here we can see how to produce tea from picking until processing up to be a good tea that can be exported to china. Tea divided into 3 types, such as Green Tea, Black Tea and White Tea. White tea is the most expensive type of tea with prices reached 2 million per kilograms. It’s because the process is not
easy. Farmers must take the pistil in the morning (before at 5:00 AM) and pray before picking it. To make the good quality tea, the tea must be dried and filtered in multiple times. More finer the powder tea, is more better the quality. Here we can also buy tea with flavors at a price of Rp 16.000 per box.

Next destination is Palayangan River, in Cileunca. The length of this river is 4,5 km with a width of 5-10 m.  We were rafting while enjoy the beautiful forest.  First we have to join some briefing from instructors and wore the buoys and helm. Then we were going to Situ
Cileunca by car. A team consist of 5 peoples. My team is Bang Miko, Savana, Male and Kang Wendy. The landscape is very interesting but I feel disappointed because a lot of garbage floating in the river. Rafting ends after 2 hours. After rafting, rain falls very swift. The atmosphere is very cold and we also served bandrek, fried bananas, and bakwan as body warmers. After that we were changing clothes and lunch together.

At 03:00 PM we decided to overnight in Cipanas, Garut. I love this homestay, because we can enjoy hotspring as long as we want. Haha! In that night my all friends play poker together but I don’t, couse I have to finish my report. When I woke up in the morning, Euis told me to saw the landscape outside. Oh my god!! I saw the beauty of Mount Guntur and sunrise. It’s like a surprise from Mr. Cecep, couse I don’t saw anything in the night. It’s like a magic and BAM!! Hoho, I can’t say anything.

At 08:00 AM we were continue our trip to Kampung Naga. It’s location in the area of Neglasari Village, Selawu District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java province. The distance of this place is about 30 km from Tasikmalaya and 26 km from Garut. The location of this village is not  far from the main road that connects to the city of Garut and Tasikmalaya.
Kampung Naga is a village which is inhabited by a community in very strong tradition of holding the remainder ancestor. The differences are visible when compered with other communities outside Kampung Naga. The community are living in the framework of an atmosphere in a traditional simplicity and environmental wisdom. To reach this village, we have to through 439 stairs. This village consist of 113 village and 300 peoples. This village always made the tradition or event every six time a year. Ir’s Muharam as the Islamic new year, Jumadil Akhir, Sya’ban, Maulid Nabi, Idul fitri and Idul Adha. All foundation of the house were taken from nature. The condition in this village make me uncomfortable because many chickens there, because I’m an alektrophobia. Thanks to Riri Rodi’ah, Ayueetaniya Tommy Andika, Iffatunisa and Avia who has been cast out of chicken for me. Haha..

After lunch we devided to overnight at Surya Pesona Beach Hotel, Pangandaran. This hotel provides facilities like another standart hotel, such as swimming pool, Air conditioner, bathtub, Balcon with a good view, refrigerator, Tv and many more. After changing clothes, me, Riri, Mrs. Andi Dewi, Euis and Ada decide to swim together. Thanks to Mrs. Andi Dewi who teach us to swim.
At 09:30 we start to continue our tour to Batu Karas Beach. I enjoy the beautiful view while drinking coconut, haha. It make me miss my hometown, Balikpapan. This beach is perfect for beginners who learn to surf. The location of this place is approximately 30 minutes from Surya Pesona Beach hotel. here can see the beautiful view, play water games, and definitely take a selfie. Hahaha…

After lunch and pray Jumat, we were continue our tour to Green Canyon. First, I think this is the best object in this trip. The location of this place is about 1 hour from Batu
Green Canyon
Karas Beach. Owh, I’m so excited to stalakkit and stalakmit in there. But suddenly Mr. Cecep tell us if we cant body rafting there because of float and increased water discharge. So we cant body rafting but can still enjoy the view there by boat. And then another trouble comes, we cant continue our trip further and the water becomes yellow. I’m so disappointed with this situation. Maybe my all friends also feeling what I feel because jo wandi tried to swam. Mr. cecep banned because the water unstable circumstances that may harm. Finally I have to headen my disappointed.

At 03:00 PM we were back to Jakarta. As long as the journey, many funny story happened on the bus, like Jowandi reveal his feel to Ayu, dance poco-poco together, joking with Alfonso and Ada, etc. this is my best trip that I ever had! Thanks to Mr. cecep who teach us about how to be a nice guide and give me the best experiences. Thanks to Mr. Asep who accompany us during the trip. Thanks to Mrs. Andi Dewi who teach us about how to make package tour and teach me to swim. And Thank you so much for UPW 2015 who always help me in every condition. I wish we can be more compact and care with each other. See you in the next trip!

Senin, 11 Januari 2016

Kampung Naga In General

West Java (Indonesian: Jawa Barat, abbreviated as "Jabar", Sundanese: Jawa Kulon) is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the western part of the island of Java and its capital and largest urban center is Bandung, although much of its population in the northwest corner of the province live in areas suburban to the even larger urban area of Jakarta, even though that city itself lies outside the administrative province. The province's population is 46.3 million (in 2014) and it is the most populous and most densely populated of Indonesia's provinces.
Since the creation of West Bandung Regency in 2008, the Province of West Java has been subdivided into 9 cities and 17 regencies. These 26 cities and regencies are divided into 620 districts, which comprise 1,576 urban villages and 4,301 rural villages. An 18th regency was formed in October 2012 - Pangandaran Regency - from the southern half of Ciamis Regency; and on 25 October 2013 the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) began reviewing draft laws on the establishment of 57 prospective regencies (and 8 new provinces), including a further three regencies in West Java - South Garut (Garut Selatan), North Sukabumi (Sukabumi Utara) and West Bogor (Bogor Barat) - but none of these three new regencies are shown separately on the map below, nor in the following table.

Garut Regency is a Regency in the West Java province of Indonesia. It covers an area of 3,074.07 km² (1,186.91 mi²). Geographically, it lies between 6°57′34″ – 7°44′57″ South latitude and 107°24′34″ – 108°7′34″ East longitude. The population at the 2010 Census was 2,404,121, the latest official estimate (as at January 2014) was 2,585,423. The capital is the city of Garut.
It is bordered by:
Eastern side: Tasikmalaya Regency
Western side: Cianjur Regency and Bandung Regency
Northern side: Sumedang Regency
Southern side: Indian Ocean
In general, Garut has a cool but tropical climate, with an average temperature of 24 °C (76 °F). Average annual rainfall is 2,590 mm (102 inches). This area includes valley territory surrounded by volcanoes (Mount Karacak: 1,838 m, Mount Cikuray: 2,821 m, Mount Guntur: 2,249 m, Mount Papandayan: 2,622 m) on the northern side, with average heights of 700–750 m above sea level. Streams of solidified lava are present on their slopes.
Land fertility varies greatly because of influence by mountains, rivers and coastal lowlands. As a result, agricultural businesses are primarily plantation-based, as well as subsistence farming and animal husbandry, followed by forest resources.
Some known products from Garut are, Garut Orange fruits (Jeruk Garut),  Mangdogars Handycraft "Mang Dogar" as Garut Icon (likes ornamen, dolls, souvenir, clothes), Garut Lamb (Domba Garut), Dodol Garut (a snack), Vetiver Root Oil (Andropogon zizanioides), Batik Tulis Garutan (hand painted clothes), Silk clothes, Gemstones, Leather crafts, Bamboo crafts.
Garut is known as Swiss van Java. It has so many tourist attractions divided into several tourism zone units (Indonesian: Satuan Kawasan Wisata (SKW)), one of them is Kampung Naga.
Kampung Naga is a hamlet located in the area of Neglasari Village, Salawu District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia.

Kampung Naga is a village which is inhabited by a community in a very strong tradition of holding the remainder ancestors. The differences are visible when compared with other communities outside Kampung Naga. The community are living in the framework of an atmosphere in a traditional simplicity and environmental wisdom.
Kampung Naga is located not far from the main road that connects with the city of Garut Tasikmalaya. Villages are located in a fertile valley, with the boundaries, in the West Village by Naga forest. The forest is sacred because it is located in the ancestral cemetery. In the south is the rice fields, and in the north and east are surrounded by river Ciwulan, which the source of water comes from Mount Cikuray in Garut. The distance from the town of Tasikmalaya to Kampung Naga is approximately 30 kilometers, while the distance from the city of Garut is 26 kilometers. To reach Kampung Naga from Garut, Tasikmalaya, people must climb down the ladder in the wall (Sunda: sengked) to the bank of the river Ciwulan with the slope about 45 degrees with a distance of approximately 500 meters. Then through the paths into Kampung Naga. The settlement is easier to visit than the most ancient Sundanese village in Baduy.
According to the data from Neglasari village, the surface soil of Kampung Naga hills with those used for land productivity can be fertile. Area of land in Kampung Naga is one of half a hectare, mostly used for housing, yards, ponds, and the rest is used for agriculture rice harvested twice a year.

The preservation of the village has been supported by national government beginning during the Suharto presidency, and it has been described as part of the "public face of regulation in Suharto's Indonesia". The government provided concrete steps which connected the village to the outside world and battery powered radios as gifts for the village; tour guides were government-trained and reiterated the Naga people's desire for: self-sufficiency; the continuation of their traditions; and their desire to be model citizens.